50 Blog Post Ideas

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Idea for your next blog post
Today I am going to share a few Blog Post Ideas that come to my mind. I also remind my self that anything a blogger links, feels, reads, does, plans, observes, learns, and participates in has the potential to be turned in to a post. All we need to do is understand the interests of the targeted readers and spin the article accordingly.

  1. That thing that happened in high school that pretty much changed your life forever.
  2. The best blog posts you’ve read the past week or month.
  3. Your favorite recipe.
  4. Helpful tools and resources you depend on.
  5. The best free apps online
  6. The hardest thing you’ve ever been through.
  7. 12 things you just can’t handle.
  8. Your favorite blogs.
  9. Your most excruciatingly embarrassing moment.
  10. A letter to your child to read after you’re gone.
  11. Your celebrity dinner party. Who would you invite?
  12. A how-to post on something you know nothing about.
  13. What you gained/lost by taking a risk.
  14. The day you started blogging.
  15. The most difficult decision you’ve ever made.
  16. 7 things you learned from being a kid
  17. What makes you crazy.
  18. The things you hope to never do before you die
  19. The last thing that made you cry
  20. Your earliest childhood memory
  21. Criticle life events that shaped, Who you are.
  22. The worst Birthday you ever had.
  23. What your Facebook status might be in 2018
  24. What you’re addicted to, and why
  25. Write your obituary
  26. Write a how-to post on something you actually know a lot about, as obscure as it might be
  27. Write a FAQ post.
  28. That time that you met a complete stranger
  29. Interview partners and team members.
  30. What you’ve learned about life so far
  31. What’s on your mind right now
  32. Something you lost.
  33. Bad habits. .
  34. Who people think you are, compared to who you really are
  35. If you only had one day to live, how you’d spend it
  36. Interview other blogger.
  37. A guide to the town you live in
  38. What you want to be when you grow up.
  39. Something you found.
  40. The menu for your last meal
  41. A response to a popular blog post written by someone else.
  42. Write a review: on anything… a new food, a book you just read, an App
  43. Find your most popular blog post and then write a second series of it, or an update on it
  44. A step-by-step guide on how to make something
  45. Set a goal, and a plan on how to get there
  46. Create a post asking for advice on something that’s troubling you.
  47. A list of 100 activities any one can do when they are bored.
  48. Top 5: Share a post with the top 5 blogs you just can’t get enough of
  49. Share a secret you’ve never told anyone. Until now
  50. Write a list post on things for people to blog about.
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50 Blog Post Ideas
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