Myself being a newbie blogger I have gone through many blogging websites and books that made me really learn very intresting things about bl0gging. I would like to share that inportant inforamtion with you all.These important and intresting advices on blogging will be very helpful in talking your blog to the next level in terms of traffic, revenue and authority. These will also help you become a better blogger.
To keep it simple, I’m giving away things I learned speding several weeks and reading several articles in one single post so to save you lot of time and help you get goging with speed instantly.
In my research I read lot of blogs and books by well known blogging, and internet marketing gurus and gathered lot of valuble insights about creating a successful blog.I hope this helps to build your site and enjoy blogging.
Here I provide you with 20 blogging tips that will make your blog popular.
1.Proffesional Looking Domain Name:-
First and foremost thing that every blog needs is a proffesional looking domain name. Selecting domain name itself plays a very important role in blogging. So have a proffesional looking domain name that suits your blog content.
2.Add a video to your blog:-
Create a video that potraits all your passion about your blog. This also helps your blog to attract readers in one glance.
3.Format your blog posts:-
Newbie bloggers almost always write excellent material. It’s probably because they’re super excited about starting a new blog and the possibilities of what’s ahead.However, the format of many newbie posts always end up looking the same: a long, undivided post that resembles an essay.In other words, the posts are lacking headings, subheadings, bold keywords, italics, lists, white space, pictures, charts, diagrams, and even links!
Take a look at some of your favorite blogs, and you can see that most are made up of several different parts, which makes it far easier to read and consume.
4.Write for yourself:-
Write for yourself first and foremost. Be confident on yourself and forget that anyone else will read that is written by you. Express your thoughts, ideas, opinions, and frame those in to words.
5.Get ideas from your audience:-
This can be a great way to get ideas of what topics people would like to read about, Which will help your blog grow! Create blogposts that answer most intresting questions from people on social media.

6.Understand your audience:-
Understand your audience better than they understand themselves. It takes a lot of effort and research. Understanding audience better means you will have a better idea what blog content should reach them, Which is a good start when you get to writting blog posts.
7.Love your existing readers:-
Love your existing readers. Don’t be obsessed with finding new readers, and the point is they ignore the readers they already have. Try to find new readers but spend time each day showing your current readers that you value them too and you will find them help your blog grow.
8.Build your email list:-
Make your own email list from the first day onwards.This will make you promote your content to maximum number of users without any difficulty of searching social networking sites and other roadblocks in communications.
9. Give stuff away:-
Give your readers what they really want and value people’s live ‘until it hurts’ and this makes them love you and follow you regularly.
10.Be consistent:-
Being consistent is one of the most important things that bloggers tend to forget. It is much easier to loose your traffic than is to build it up, so make sure that you consistently blog.

11. Give away your knowledge:-
Be free to showcase what you know. Many bloggers hold back the good stuff out of fear of giving away all your knowledge that anyone wants to taste.
12. Write cachy headlines:-
No matter how great your content is, it won’t matter unless you have an amazing headline.People have a split of second to decide it if they click on your post, and your headline will make them decide. Keep your headline simple, powerful useful and bold.
13.Give it time this is why:-
Plan to invest in blogging for a longtime before you see a return. The web is a big noisy place and unless you are willing to invest more over a greater period of time than others, you will find success nearly impossible.
14.Keep it short:-
Working out the best length for your blog posts can be tricky. You generally need about 300 words minimum to get indexed in search engines, but otherwise the length of your post is up to what you feels best.
15. Be yourself:-
There isn’t one specific set of rules to be successful in blogging. Expirenced and sucessful bloggers say that blogging is to be simple be you.

16.Optimize each post with great images:-
Balancing your blog post with great images willl help your reader get atracted to your post.
17. Be a guest blogger:-
One of my favorite blogging tactics for a business blog is guest blogging.This tactic helps drive traffic, generate inbound links, increase visibility and create long-term relationships between your blog and other relevant blogs or publications you’re contributing to.
18.Promote your blog post in social networks:-
My favorite tactic is to make posts as social as possible by adding embedded social posts and prewritten tweets with ClickToTweet.This allows you to prompt your reader to share or engage throughout the blog, which helps to ensure that they actually read the entire thing. This also gives you more opportunities to engage with your readers and maximize the conversation around the content.
19.Optimize your blog for SEO:-
Blogs can be a huge resource for attracting new clients and readers through using appropriate forms of SEO to make blog posts pop up in Google search results.Identify both your current audience and your desired audience.Create original content that caters to the interests of your readers.Use SEO keywords to attract new readers to your work.Establish yourself as an industry expert.
20. Conduct keyword research when writing:-
One smart thing to do in order to improve the search engine traffic for your blog posts is to conduct keyword research while you write them.It’s important to know which main keyword you should target when writing your articles, so you can easily optimize it for that keyword.
The easiest way to do this is by using Google’s Keyword Planner.